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Trans Am Cancelled, World ending, BMW's still running.

We were excited and ready as we prepared for our first Trans Am race of 2020 in Sonoma, California. The race was shaping up to be a good show down with a chance of rain in the forecast. Less then 12 hours before our first session they cancelled the event, sending us back to Oregon with no new trophies and no new damage on the car. This was a huge blow to all competitors and crew. Normally, we race rain or shine, and regardless of who's in the white house or what is on "Snap Chat". To have the outside world affect us was eye opening.

Back in Oregon we are continuing to operate at capacity, repairing and maintaining vehicles. So far, we have seen no slow down in parts and materials deliveries. Our vendors are showing great adaptation in getting us parts, tires, wheels and other supplies in these "End of Days". You wouldn't go on track with a poor alignment or excessive time on your engine oil, don't go into the end of the world with a messed up car...

As the shop remains open we have added to our normal procedures. We always had a strict not touching client's faces policy, and disinfecting everything. Along with these normal procedures, it was also protocol to not cough in clients or fellow employees faces. The social distancing has done wonders for morale, as most modern humans don't understand the "Technician's Bubble". So while there may be daily challenges, we are open to them, and are happy to keep you on the road. We want to give you one less thing to worry about.

Also, please don't not expect an email from us telling you how we just learned to wash our hands or wipe down counters. Every other corporation as already told you that.



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